From the Pastor's Desk

“By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country….” Heb. 11:9.

The Old Testament believers, Abraham and his family, took residence up in the Promised Land.  They taught us in natural terms, what we are to do in spiritual terms.  We are to ‘make our home’ in the Land of Promises—i.e. 2 Pet. 1:3, 4. To ‘make your home’ somewhere takes considerable effort.  You have to, ‘settle in.’  You have to spend time there, as it is reference point for all that you do—just as you go and come back, to your natural home. Spending time in the promises, enables you make it your ‘habitat’ by developing the ‘habit’ of habitat’ in the Word of God.  Meditating in the ‘great and precious promises’ enables you to hear and believe and receive the reward of faith.  The thoughts of God, sowed again and again into your mind, become the ‘substance’ of what the Holy Spirit speaks to you when the need arises.  You are enabling your faith by providing His Word as the source of your thoughts about everything.  All that remains when you have His Word sown into your mind over and over, is the ‘quickening voice’ or rhema, Spirit-breathed message.  God wants you to succeed, but only with His instructions…which cause faith to spring up in your heart.  Faith is the power to make the difference in all situations.  1 John 5:4 says faith is the victory you have been wanting!


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