From the Pastor's Desk

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." Rom. 1:16-17.

The gospel by which all men are born again or saved from death, is a ‘gospel of power!’  The Christian life journey is a journey that begins with an awesome miracle and a journey that ends with an awesome miracle. We have our sins washed away, our consciences cleansed, our bodies washed, a new nature put within us, Christ living inside of us and eternal life.  That…is an awesome miracle accomplished only by the power of God, released by faith, in Christ’s work on the Cross for us.

We end our lives by passing from this earth to glory…another awesome miracle.  As Christ spoke to the believing thief upon the Cross, ‘this day you will be with me in Paradise.’—we are absent from the physical body and ever present with the Lord when we take our last breath.

Our whole lives are meant to be a power journey from beginning to end…filled with miracles, signs and wonders.  We believe at the beginning and the first miracle takes place.  We are then set into the ‘miracle path’ of living.  It is our faith that releases that path.  The non-miracle path, the path of reason, logic, science, and hard work, is the non-faith path.  If we offer no faith to God for His promises, we live without miracles.  Therefore, we must, we must, we must…do what Scripture says, “pursue faith....”  1 Tim. 6:11. Whatever you must do to cultivate the ‘hearing of faith,’ you must do it, in order to live with the fruit of faith—miracles, regularly and continuously. Rom. 10:17. Acts 2:22.

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